Minggu, September 04, 2011

Disable Gadged Features in Windows 7


n Windows 7 there are additional tools that the user can use to ease the use of computers in the form of gadgeds. This gadged is installed on the desktop that can be exploited easily. Gadgeds provided by windows 7 is for example Clock, Calendar, CPU Meter, and others. If want other gadgeds can be downloaded online at the link provided. If you don't know what the gadged..? you can see the picture below:

Already know what it is gadged.. ? hehehe.. And if you wish to disable this gadged windows with a view to accelerate and increase the performance of Windows 7, or because they never use it, it can be followed on how to disable gadged windows 7 below:
1. Go to control panel
2. All items on the window view, select / click Programs and Features.
3. In the left pane, click Turn Windows Features on or off.
4. In the Windows Features window, remove the check mark in the Windows Gadged Platform.
5. Click OK.
6. Wait until the process is complete.
7. Restart your computer.. and finish,, ahahha..

That is step by step how to turn off the gadged in Windows 7.. If you haven't understood my post please comment on this, until here post my brief on this time, sorry if the language is less perfect, because I am still learning, please in understandable,, hahaha.. may be useful and good luck... Wassalamualaikum Wr.Wb

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